Chicago Sweat Lodge

The Real Deal, Authentic Russian Bath House. Hot, Hot, Hot Dry and Wet Saunas. Masseur and Food Service Available.

A 21st Century authentic Turkish Wet Stone Sauna an Russian Dry Cedar Sauna that’s been 2,700 years in the making: the two traditional methods of employing deep beneficial stone heat necessary for Circulation, Detoxification, Relaxation and Rejuvenation. The Sweatlodge ovens are are the real deal, build by Russian craftsman with a lifetime of experience in designing and construction Russian banias, Four tons of Belgian granite comprises the interior and exterior structured. Two additional tons of red stone stacked inside the ovens, providing the unique red hot, ionic steam heat or deep radiant heat.


Today from 10:00 to 23:00


3500 North Cicero Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60641, U.S.A.


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