Glavs Travel (New York)

Glavs Travel provides its clients a full range of tourist services: - bus tours in the US and Canada (in Russian), - international tours to Europe, Asia, Australia, Israel and South America; - air tickets for all airlines of the world, - hotels, - cruises, - tour-packages to Caribbean Islands and Mexico, - tours the world in English; - SPA and Resorts - Carlsbad, Truskavets, Jurmala, Druskinenkay, Bulgaria, Hungary, Dominican ... , - related services (visas and insurance).

Through many years of experience and communication in the aviation and tourism business, the company has exclusive contracts with several airlines and tour operators, which is able to provide certaina discounts and benefits to its customers.


Алевтин Фрайман, Президент Компании


55 West 39th Street, New York, NY, 10018, U.S.A.


Toll-Free: 1-800-336-5727


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